
Showing posts with the label Queen Anne’s Lace

Start with Q - 5 Flowers Names and Types with Pictures

  Start with Q -  5 Flowers Names and Types with Pictures   Quaker Ladies The Quaker Ladies flower (also known by its scientific name houstonia caerulea) is a perennial wildflower. These are small flowers that are around 3 to 6 inches tall. The lobes of the petals are a pale blue in color, with some flowers being white in color. These flowers prefer full or partial sun, and they like acidic soil. They grow best during the spring and can grow well in rock gardens. Queen Anne’s Lace Queen Anne’s Lace is a member of the carrot family, and it is a wildflower and herb. This plant is native to North America and features a flower that looks similar to the poisonous plant known as hemlock. In addition to growing in many places, these flowers make excellent dried flowers. Queen of the Meadow The Queen of the Meadow is also referred to as meadowsweet, and these plants are considered a noxious weed in certain areas of the United States, so plant them with caution. They are a