Start with H - 15 Flowers Names and Types with Pictures


Start with H -   15 Flowers Names and Types with Pictures


Hawthorn, or Crataegus, is a deciduous plant that can be a shrub or tree, largely depending on how it’s maintained and trimmed back. The plant produces toothed leaves, with red or white blossoms formed.

Orange or red berries are produced that attract birds to the Hawthorn. They flower best when planted in an area of full sunlight.


Scottish Heather is a broadleaf evergreen plant. It’s native range is throughout parts of northern North America and northern Eurasia.

The heather flower blooms are a rose to purplish pink color, and the plant grows well in full sun to partial shade. This plant does not do well in high heat and humidity climates.


Hebe is also known as the New Zealand lilac, an evergreen shrub that tends to sprawl when it grows. It isn’t very hardy and does better when it is protected, such as by a sunny wall.

The plant produces a display of lavender blue flowers during the spring and summer. Regular pruning is not needed for these plants.


Helenium, or the sneezeweed, flowers from late summer to the middle of fall. It is an herbaceous perennial.

There are a variety of cultivars that produce flowers in bright golden, orange-red, and copper-red blooms. these plants are easy to grow and can form large clumps of flowers in your garden.


The Helichrysum is also known as the strawflower. Dwarf varieties grow about 6 inches high, while taller varieties can be two feet high.

These plants produce double blooms oftentimes, and the petals feel like straw, hence the name. The flowers can be dried easily and can be used in flower arrangements.


The Heliotrope plant also goes by the name of cherry pie. A Peruvian shrub, the plant has soft stems and often needs to be protected during the winter by overwintering it in a greenhouse.

The flower blossoms are mauve to purple and have a vanilla fragrance, with the plant blooming between summer and fall.


Hellebores go by other names, such as the Lenten or Christmas rose, as they flower in mid-winter or early spring.

Different species have different colored blooms, with such examples as lime-green flowers or mottled color flowers. The perennials tend to be evergreens and most prefer to remain undisturbed when planted.


Hibiscus is a shrub-type plant that is deciduous and blooms in the late summer. The flowers can be single or double, and the colorways include white, pink, blue and purple.

These are long-lived plants, and they tend to be rather hardy. Unlike many shrubs that spend several years developing, the Hibiscus flowers early in its development.


Holly, which belongs to the genus Ilex, is an evergreen that comes in many cultivars. The leaves tend to be dark green, glossy, and spiny. The plants produce scarlet or orange berries.

This should be pruned especially in late winter in order to maintain the shrub or it will grow into a tree.


The Hollyhock is also known by its scientific name, Alcearosea. The plant produces blooms that are white, pink, and red, depending on the cultivar.

It is an herbaceous perennial, and it tends to be high maintenance. The flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and the plant tolerates rabbits and black walnut.


Honeysuckle or lonicera is a popular plant that can be trained to climb doors or fences. These plants tend to smell sweetly and attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.

The blossoms have a roughly bell-shaped appearance, and the colors can range from white to lilac. Some species even flower during winter.


The Hosta is also known as the Plantain Lily. These perennials produce an abundance of attractive foliage.

The plants tend to live for long periods of time, and the different cultivars may have foliage that is green to blue in color. Many of the leaves are variegated, and the leaves can have different textures as well.


Hyacinths make great plants in container gardens or flower beds. They make excellent cut flowers and are used in many flower displays or grown for their decorative usage as a potted plant.

Colors include blue, pink, white, and yellow. Flowers tend to be crowded on the stem. Bulbs do best their first year.


Hydrangea produces large blooms of flowers, generally in broadly conical or mushroom-shaped clusters.

The blooms may be white, pink, blue, or red, and they are produced on this shrub which tends to live for a long time. Most common are the lacecaps and mophead types. Some species are climbers, such as the Hydrangea Petiolaris.


Hyssop, which is different from anise hyssop, is a shrub that is semi-evergreen. The plant produces spikes of flowers at the top of each stem, which may be blue-violet, pink, or white.

While the leaves are bitter, there are culinary uses, such as making a tea from the stems, leaves, and flowers.


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