Start with C - 33 Flowers Names and Types with Pictures

 33 Flowers Names and Types with Pictures

Start with C


The Calceolaria or slipper flower is a plant best suited for indoor pots or containers. They can be grown from seed as an annual plant, with none of the plants extending past 16 inches in height and width.

The flowers bloom from early summer until the first frosts of the year. With careful cutting, these can make good cut flowers.


The Calendula plant is also known as a pot marigold or English marigold. It tends to be fast growing and is a hardy plant but needs full sunlight.

The flowers are a range of yellows, oranges, and even greens. The plant can be easily grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground. Plants range from 12 to 28 inches in height.

California Poppy

The California Poppy or eschscholzia is a brightly colored flower with blue-green foliage. The flowers occur in yellow, cream, pink, and scarlet colors, and they’re usually 12 inches tall.

These plants are usually hardy and can even be found growing out of the cracks in paving slabs. They easily self-seed.

Calla Lily

The Calla Lily is also known by the names arum lilies or Zantedeschia. They tend to have waxy-looking flowers, generally pure white. The leaves are arrow shaped and are a deep green.

The plant often needs to be grown in a greenhouse, but some do well in moist or boggy conditions, such as near a water feature or pond. 


The Camellia flowers have a characteristic glossy leaf and are classified as  evergreens. These are long-lived plants that typically flower between fall and spring, with blooms that are white, pink, crimson, or derivatives of these colors. They grow well in container gardens as well as in a mixed shrub border. 


The Candytuft plant is also known as iberis. These small plants are generally less than a foot tall and are classified as hardy annuals.

The flowers have a sweet smell and come in colors such as white, pink and purple. The plants do well even in poor soils and self-seed readily, so you might find yourself with plants springing up every year. 

Canna Lily

Canna Lilies are also known as Indian shot. These exotic-appearing plants feature flowers with bold colors atop tall stems, with some reaching four feet tall.

The blooms are usually yellow, red, or orange, with some species having bicolor flowers or ones streaked or spotted with colors. The foliage may have bronze or purple tinges.

Cape Leadwort

Cape Leadwort, which is also called plumbago, is an evergreen climber. The flowers produced are starry, sky blue flowers that it produces between the middle of summer and fall.

The plant should be pruned regularly, and the plant may get to 15 feet high. It will tolerate light shade but prefers full sun.

Cape Primrose

The Cape Primrose, or streptocarpus, is a group of flowering plants that can readily be grown in many heated greenhouses. The flowers feature a distinct lip similar to that of an orchid.

They come in many colors, such as red and purple. Many of these plants hail from South Africa and need a warm climate to thrive.

Cardinal Flower

The Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis, is a lovely flower. There are approximately 400 species, and it tends to have dark green leaves and bright red flowers.

It grows in full sunlight or even partial shade. They will flower for a long period of time, generally throughout the summer and part of the fall. 


Carnations belong to the genus Dianthus. These flowers are commonly used in cut flower arrangements and come in a variety of colors, as well as some being variegated or veined with contrasting colors.

The foliage is gray-green and stems don’t generally get above 12 inches tall. The flowers are often heavily scented.


The Madagascar periwinkle or Catharanthus is a flower that quickly spreads. They are considered half-hardy annuals, and the flowers may be rose, mauve, or white flowers.

When grown outside, the plant needs full sunlight to grow. The flowers will appear during the summer months and need good drainage or the roots may rot. 


The catmint or catnip herb is a perennial plant that is native to Europe and Asia. There are several species, all of which tend to be low-growing.

The tubular flowers that are produced during the summer may be white, pink, or purple and are shaped in spirals or whorls. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered in fine hairs.


The Celosia flower is also known as the Prince of Wales’ Feathers. The plume-like flowers range in color from shades of reds, oranges, and yellows.

While tall forms of the plant can reach approximately 30 inches, the dwarf forms are less than a foot tall. These plants are annuals that require sun to grow well. 

Cerastium Tomentosum

The Cerastium tomentosumis also known as snow in summer. The plant produces silver-gray leaves, and the plant develops sprays of white flowers.

These blooms appear during spring and summer. The plant creeps low and the stems will put down roots as they spread. It can be an invasive plant but suppresses weeds nicely.


The Chicory plant is a perennial plant that can be grown as an annual. This plant tends to be large, reaching 3 to 5 feet tall. The finely petaled flowers are sky-blue in color and bloom in summertime.

The flowers open during the morning but close up during the hot sun of midday. The root can be used as a substitute for coffee, and leaves and flowers can be eaten.


The glory of the snow plant or Chionodoxa grows from a bulb. It produces star-shaped flowers that are blue in color with white centers.

The flowers usually number a dozen or so blossoms on each spike. Some species may be white or purple-pink, and the stamens appear tipped in gold.


Chrysanthemums originated thousands of years ago in China before being brought over to Japan. They are commonly used as a cut flower in arrangements or grown as a border flower.

Colors of these plants vary and include white, yellow, pink, lilac, and mahogany. The plant comes in many forms as well, such as pompon and anemone centered. 


The Clarkia plant is also known as farewell to spring. It is a member of the evening primrose family and attracts beneficial pollinators, such as butterflies and honey bees.

This wildflower can range in size from 6 inches to 3 feet tall, and it has cup-shaped flowers that tend to range in color from pink to a deep red.


Clematis is a popular climbing plant, and there are over 200 species, with countless hybrids and cultivars.

Large flower hybrids tend to be the most popular and flower during the summer, with a range of colors including purple, white, and red. The plant prefers to have its roots in the shade while the top growth is located in full sun.


Clover plants fall within a genus that is made up of around 300 species of flowering plants. These are all related to the pea family, and they can be found in areas throughout the world except Australia and Southeast Asia.

The plant makes an excellent cover crop and is also used to feed livestock, but it can be a lovely, easy-to-grow addition to any garden.


The Columbine is known by many names, including aquilegia and granny’s bonnets. While the foliage is blue-green, the flowers come in single colors and color combinations, including pink, blue and combinations of brighter shades. While these are not a long-lived plant, they are relatively easily grown from seeds and prefer some shade.


The Coneflower is also known as Echinacea and is native to the United States. This plant produces a cone-shaped center that is surrounded by pink petals.

These flowers bloom over a long period of time, which makes them a great border flower. These plants prefer full sunlight to getting any shade. There are many varieties and the purple coneflower is one of the popular ones.

Coral Bells

Coral Bells, or Heuchera, is a perennial that flowers a rosette of leaves. The foliage is evergreen, while the flowers , which rise above the foliage, can be red, pin, or white, depending on the cultivar.

The plant will tolerate some shade, but it prefers sunlight, which also allows the plant to be presented in the best light. 

Coral Vine

Coral Vine or Berberidopsiscorallina is a plant from Chile. This evergreen climber produces long, pendulous red flowers, and it can reach heights of 15 feet.

It should be grown in a shady area that is protected from cold winds for best results. The plant is low maintenance, needing little care such as pruning.


Coreopsis is a plant that blooms over an extended period of time, generally summer into fall, with some plants flowering as early as the spring.

These plants form bright yellow flowers that are like daisies. Some of these plants feature a dark eye, while in others, the eye is yellow to match the flower petals.


The Cornflower or Centaurea cyanus is a hardy annual that tends to be easy to grow. You can grow them for cut flowers or use them in containers or bedding.

There are mixtures and single colors available, with flowers produced in colors such as blue, white, red, and pink. They bloom from summer until early fall.


The Corydalis plant has tubular flowers that are spurred, and there are around 300 species of corydalis. The foliage is fern-like in appearance.

The flowers may be yellow, pink, blue, or white. They may grow between 6 inches and 2 feet high, and these plants are great as plants in rock gardens.


The Cosmos is a perennial flower that delights the eye with a simple daisy-type flower and a pleasant, wispy foliage. There is also a variety that comes in a cupcake shape with double petals.

The plants are well adapted for containers and as border plants. Blooming lasts from the middle of summer to relativity late in the season.


The Cotoneaster is a family of plants that range from “dwarf” varieties that are only a foot tall to bushes that will tower over your yard at over 10 feet tall.

During the spring, these plants produce sprays of small white flowers, while they produce red and yellow fruits during the winter time.


The Crocosmia is also known as the montbretia. These plants have a tendency to become invasive. The flowers and foliage of these plants arch slightly, with some ending up at 2 to 3 feet tall.

Many of these types of plants have red-orange flowers atop a stem, and the flowers open progressively from the base to the top.


The Crocus is one of over 80 species of flowers that generally bloom between late winter and spring. Some do bloom in the fall.

The foliage is short, and the flowers are small and goblet-shaped. They can occur in a variety of colors, from blue and purple to yellow or cream. Some even have feathering on the petals.

Crown Imperial

The Crown Imperial goes by other names, including the snake’s head fritillary or the fritillaria. The flowers of this plant feature a checker box pattern, and they bloom from bulbs.

Related to the lilies, different species of these flowers vary in size, with the Crown Imperial being a tall, stately flower.

Cuckoo Flower

The Cuckoo Flower produces loose clusters of white flowers, which have four white petals and tend to be rounded.

Some flowers have a notch in the petals. The center of these flowers are made up of a light green style and 6 cream-colored stamens. They are related to mustard plants.


The Cyclamen is a group of plants that are characterized by having largely marbled foliage. The flowers are unique, with their swept back and twisted petals.

The plants range from having large flowers to having small flowers that only get to several inches high. Depending on the species, they flower in fall, winter, or spring.

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