13 of the best geraniums to keep your garden full of vibrant color right through until autumn


Hardy heroes:13 of the best geraniums to keep your garden full of vibrant color right through until autumn

Hardy, vibrantly-colored geraniums flower their hearts out right through to autumn while other plants flag.

1/6 'When in doubt, plant a geranium'

From pale pink to shocking magenta, geraniums will flower their hearts out right through to autumn. They won’t be bothered by diseases and slugs, can be grown in any spot from blazing sun to dry shade under a tree, and they don’t let weeds get a look-in. Every garden needs them, and it’s not too late to plant them to fill those gaps so they can work their magic this summer.

2/6 Orion

To echo the color on the sunnier side of your garden, plant Orion. These superheroes are even the answer where other plants would wilt — under trees, for example, or in the rain shadow of a fence where the soil is dry and shaded.

3/6 Mavis Simpson

Gardener and TV presenter Sarah Raven wouldn't do without elegant Mavis Simpson, which flowers for six months, making a soft cushion topped with pale pink flowers.

4/6 Rozanne

In a shade where color is hard to attain, Rozanne swoops to the rescue. Named plant of the centenary by the Royal Horticultural Society in 2013 for good reason, it makes a meter-wide clump of lavender-blue flowers from June to October.

5/6 Geranium phaeum

Groundcover Geranium phaeum, also known as the black widow, covers bare areas with dusky purple flowers and fresh green leaves. The white version looks great with ferns.

6/6 Geranium Patricia

If you have a meter-sized gap in a sunny border, Patricia will fill it effortlessly, quickly forming a meter-high mound of fresh green leaves smothered in mood-lifting magenta flowers with black centers from May to November. Repeat it further down the garden for a big, bold statement.

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